Teacher team (hereafter abbreviated as TT) is a method of teachers organizing into teams, directing students under cooperation and connection. There is a group of teachers organized with a number of teachers and a flexible learning group structure corresponding to the purpose of learning becoming a pillar. The normal team of teachers is organized by two or more teachers but in recent years there has been involvement of outsiders. Learning groups are made up in a flexible way according to the requirements and goals of individuals, groups or the whole grade. The combination will create many forms such as: (1) TT In class, (2) TT in classes, (3) TT in different academic subjects, (4) TT for different grades. The method of assigning the role of a team of teachers is divided into cases where the main teacher (a teacher) conducts school hours and the sub-teacher conducts the individual and case assignments. The role depends on the subject of the course or the interest or interest o...